Meet the members of EX Cute!


  • Birthday: April 3rd
  • Blood type: 0
  • Likes: Curry rice, strawberry cake, her bear costume
  • Dislikes: Carbonated drinks
  • Talents: Impressions, singing (Children's Songs)
  • Future Dreams: Idol, comedian might be good too
  • Favorite Brand: Snotty Cat
  • Family: Father, Mother, Older Brother
  • Class: Year 1, Attends the Middle School attached to St. Porterdam Women's College

An energetic girl who's the mood maker and leader of EX Cute. Mischievous but good natured, she's quick to take action but also pretty clumsy. Her charm point are her big eyes.

Koron is close friends with her childhood friend Aika, and even though they quarrel sometimes, together they fit the roles of boke and tsukkomi really well.

She has a lot of respect for her father, who's a costumed performer for a living, and secretly hopes to learn the art as well someday. Koron owns a bear costume, and sometimes she will wear it to cheer up friends who feel depressed, showing her kindhearted side.

Koron is also the most likely person to receive an "Aika Chop!" for being mischievous and angering Aika (it's ok though, it's mostly for show so it doesn't hurt that much!)


  • Birthday: October 1st
  • Blood type: B
  • Likes: Bitter chocolate, dressing up
  • Dislikes: Spiders
  • Talents: Electric guitar, karaoke
  • Future Dreams: Musician, designer
  • Favorite Brand: Wicked Style
  • Family: Father, Mother, Aoto (younger brother)
  • Class: Year 1, Attends the Middle School attached to St. Porterdam Women's College

A member of the close-knit group of friends EX Cute, she is a tsundere girl who plays the role of tsukkomi to Koron's silly antics. Her charm point are her almond shaped eyes.

Due to her serious side, she's often teased by her childhood friend Koron and her younger brother Aoto. In such instances, she strikes back with her special move: Aika Chop!

Because she likes being fashionable and unique, choosing her clothes is one of her favorite activities. She especially likes original, grown-up styles that stick out.

Aika also likes music (especially rock) and taught herself how to play the electric guitar, temporarily turning EX Cute into a rock band.


  • Birthday: May 4th
  • Blood type: Hasn't checked yet
  • Likes: Her older sister's homemade apple pie
  • Talents: Making sweets (currently learning), kendo
  • Future Dreams: Children's book author
  • Favorite Brand: Romantic Girly!
  • Family: Father, Mother, Older sister, Chisa (younger sister)
  • Class: Year 1, Attends the Middle School attached to St. Porterdam Women's College

A member of the close-knit group of friends EX Cute, Chiika is cute and gives off an air that makes people want to protect her, but she's a surprisingly steady person with a strong character. Her cute cherubic mouth is her charm point.

Chiika is very knowledgeable on a lot of topics from studying to cooking, so the other members often rely on her to learn new things. Koron especially always asks her to tell her the answers to their homework.

Her family owns a coffee shop named Alps Tei, which is managed by her oldest sister. On holidays, Chiika and her younger sister Chisa often help out at the family store.

Chiika seems to get along well with the gentle Miu, and the two often play together.


  • Birthday: February 6th
  • Blood type: AB
  • Likes: Soba, caramel popcorn
  • Talents: Surfing, the game of Go
  • Future Dreams: Top model (like her mother)
  • Favorite Brand: Angelic Sigh
  • Family: Father and Mother
  • Class: Year 1, Attends the Middle School attached to St. Porterdam Women's College

Lien is a versatile girl who excels in both sports and school. Koron sees her as somewhat of a rival and often challenges her to swimming or racing competitions, which Lien has never lost.

Due to her quiet nature, Lien often appears mature for her age, but she enjoys cute and girly things.

Lien's name means "bond" in French; the choice of name comes from the fact that she's half French: her dad is Japanese, while her mom is a French top model. Lien's secret wish for the future is to become a famous model like her mom.

Surprisingly, Go is one of her hobbies and she's pretty good at it. Her father taught her how to play. Lien was born and raised in Japan, and has only visited France once.


  • Birthday: February 22nd
  • Blood type: A
  • Likes: Ice cream, all kinds of animals
  • Talents: Playing the shamisen and koto, sleeping anywhere
  • Future Dreams: Veterinarian, princess out of a fairytale book
  • Favorite Brand: Blue Bird's Song
  • Family: Father, Mother, Mia (older sister), Mio (eldest sister)
  • Class: Year 1, Attends the Middle School attached to St. Porterdam Women's College

A member of the group of friends EX Cute, Miu is a mild-mannered girl who likes nature and does things at her own pace. She is an unparalleled animal lover, and from elephants to hamsters she considers all creatures her friends.

Miu gets along with the quiet and knowledgeable Chiika, and the two are often seen together. She also admires Koron's hidden kindness and energetic personality, and seems to be the only member who isn't taken aback by her silly antics.

Her best friend is her pet frog named Pyonta.


  • Birthday: July 29th
  • Blood type: A
  • Likes: Suama, chirashizushi, stargazing (with a telescope that is her grandfather’s keepsake)
  • Talents: Judo, abacus
  • Future Dreams: Astronaut or astronomer
  • Favorite Brand: Fanny Fanny
  • Family: Grandma, Father, Mother, Older brother, Yuta (younger brother), Jotaro the dog
  • Class: Year 1, Attends the Middle School attached to St. Porterdam Women's College

Himeno is a transfer student from Kobe, and while initially taken aback by the antics of the EX Cute group, she's now completely adapted to them. She's mature and cheerful and excels at sports, but she also has a silly side and sometimes likes joking around with Koron. She speaks Osaka dialect with her family members.

She has been practicing judo since a young age with her older brother and already has a black belt. When she first transfered to her new school, she accidentally mistook Koron in her bear costume for a real bear and threw her with a one-armed shoulder throw.

Her grandfather introduced her to astronomy at a young age and gifted her a telescope, so now one of her favorite activities is stargazing and marking the stars.

She is usually very mature but will occasionally have the impulse to throw someone, to the distress of those around her.

Raili (Riley)

  • Birthday: December 18th
  • Blood type: A
  • Likes: Japanese anime, cycling, stew, taiyaki
  • Dislikes: Japanese summer (the weather is too hot)
  • Talents: Ice skating
  • Future Dreams: Doctor
  • Favorite Brand: Moi Lumi
  • Family: Father, Mother, younger sister, Noah (younger brother)
  • Class: Year 1, Attends the Middle School attached to St. Porterdam Women's College

A transfer student from Northern Europe has joined EX Cute! Raili is an international student from Finland who was invited to join the group by Koron.

Raili has a curious, cheerful and honest personality, and she's very fascinated by japanese culture. She loves walking around Harajuku and Akihabara.

She's a very hard worker who studied hard in her own country to teach herself japanese. She's a very patient person, and although she sometimes gets into misunderstandings due to her broken japanese, she is unbothered and seems to be enjoying herself a lot.

Recently Koron and the other friends have also learned how to greet each other in Finnish to deepen their friendship.

Raili is very sensitive to the heat and cannot withstand's japanese summer weather, so she plans to return home only during summer vacation.

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